Clown Supplies Make-up, Face Paints, Noses:
These charts are posted on this site to help you in your selection of product item you need. I hope that they
aid you, to become more familiar with different products and the many different selection you have. I will be posting
more charts are they become available. Thank you, Holiday
Wrinkle Only look good on Babies and Puppies

Uses sun screen products and care for your skin daily,
this will aid your clown application

Found a random picture of a senior woman, as you view
this photo you can see that skin care was not done daily for years. One must start in their youth and continue for
a lifetime. I have been clowning for 37 years, before that I was an Flight Attendant both of these jobs dry
your skin. I used moistener cream daily, but I do think that the full grease of being a comedy whiteface aided
by skin. I have no wrinkles, age 65. My clown make-up application I have done is always the
neck to; I have no Turkey Neck like this senior old looking women.. You can not changed the look of major
wrinkles once they are their, you can refine but after 60 this is almost impossible. The Rita Wrinkle will
color her hair blonde or red to look younger, which only make her look worst. These coloring
will only pull your eyes to her wrinkles and her turkey neck, One word: OLD,. such a sorry look that
could have been prevented . First rule of make up is skin care. No ones wants to look like Rita Wrinkle. use
skin daily. and don't forget the sunscreen. Remember also that drinking alcohol and poor diet has
a large effect to the skin....When ask my age, I tell my age and no believes me, they think I am 50 or younger not 65. Skin
care also goes for men, along with clean shaving. !
This is a Rita Wrinkle, she did not care for her
skin and neck in her youth, now she has the Older than Mud Look and has aTurkey Neck. The lack of moisturizing,
drinking aloholic beverages far to much, being in sun without protection, and living a careless lifestyle and stress can effect
the skin. Problem Rita Wrinkle now has to look this of old and uses, and only a TROLL would view her a pretty. The
beach blonde hair can't even aid her, it makes her look wash out and even older. As the saying goes, you can't change
ulgy, problem lifestyle and living with a lower standard of life because she looks washed up, Sad thing her looks make her
settle for a loveless life and lacks joy..
