You can easily purchase products through our convenient online ordering process: - Click "Add to Cart" to add a product to your shopping cart.
- View your shopping
cart contents before final purchase by clicking on the "Shopping Cart" button. You may adjust the quantity or remove
items from your order here as well.
- Please note that wigs are finally sale due to health regulations
- If shipping cost are calulated higher than true shipping cost, I will refund, please email or call.
After you review your shopping cart contents, you will be asked for your credit card information. This transaction
is completely secure. Please note shipping page with any questions on delivery of items you have order. This store
is based in the State of Delaware, we have no sales tax. I am a full time professional working clown, so all orders
coming in Friday-Sunday will not be address until Monday morning at 9 a.m. My on road travel for clowning events
or convention may delay the shipping 3-4 days. I do have immediate available wardrobe items on this on-line boutique,
please call for all special order items. I have the right to refuse orders or compile with a stop work order of
any of my special orders.
On Line Store is Open: 24
hours everyday Call Center: Monday - Friday
Weekends call after 8 pm This On-line store you can shop 24 hours Ebay Store: Search: Professional Clown Costume Store Name: EverydaysaholidayDesigner (wigs,
fabric, costumes) Etsy Store: Entertainers Boutique (pattern, costumes, apron, hats) Facebook Store: Everyday's
A Holiday Boutique Designer


Handmade Orders: 8-10 weeks deliver depending
on fabric

All Costumes are
handmade by Carol
Carol Coleman

Booking: Alley Visits Workshops
Clown Supplies Everyday's A Holiday Owner: Carol
"Holiday" Coleman Phone: 302-430-0909 Please note that all calls without called ID will not be answer for security reason. Please
leave a message, I will return your call Group on Facebook:
Everyday's A Holiday Boutique


This is a photo of my FLAT HOLIDAY, the kids love her and used this Paper Doll for many school
projects such as: 100 Days of School, Learning About the USA as Holiday Travels, Pictures of Healthy Meals they have,
Service Projects they do in their communities, and military families. . Been doing this for years, great way to
aid education and aid the love of clowning Get a photo done of your clown character, than have it printed
on tag card and start aiding the too the growth. ( I do two to a page printed on tag 8 1/2 x 11).

Holiday The Clown is one of the clowns profile in this

We bring the education and the stuff....


Creative Women Own Yorkies

Don't be a cookie cutter looking clown, be original
in your style, No one likes seeing another in the same outfit, this is why I customize your costume, Support Made
in USA small business.

Learn from one of the BEST in the business Holiday is
a Multi Award Winning Clown. Learn the correct application and skill of being in grease. 46 years of full time clowning.
Available for Alley, Workshop, Clowning Education, I only view well attended Convention to give up a weekend or more
of clowning. Learn from one of the BEST:, Skill of make up application, Hometown Clowning. Birthday Party
Business, Storytelling, The Clown Wardrobe Needs and Design. How to be Mrs. Claus. and more. It is sad
that they have vendor that are teaching these skill just because they are vendors, and they are not at the level to do so.
