Carol is one of Delaware, Maryland, and Washington, DC area premier family
entertainer. She had been entertaining for 46 years; she is a full time working clown. Her Theme Parties are a
main part of her business. Carol is not only rated a professional clown placing Top Ten many times, she is an accomplish
storyteller. She runs a storytelling business, serving school shows and major events. Holiday The Clown had aided
the production of the Pre-Show for the White House, at the Pageant of Peace for over ten years. She has been on
the Today Show and AM America. She has been a part of the I Got Milk campaign. She had performed on the lawns
of our US Capitol, for the National Dairy Association for years. She has preformed a number of times for the Governor
of Delaware at Legislative Mall for the 4th of July. She has preformed at the Governor Mansion for the Govenor
of Maryland many times. She has held offices in the clowning world from Vice President of WCA, Mid Atlantic Director
of WCA, and State Directors of Maryland for MACA. She has held office of President of many alleys, Free State Clown
Alley #30, Congressional Clowns, Crabtowne Clowns, and she was the Vice President of Kapitol Klowns Alley #6. She is
has been a member of Cheerleaders for Christ, National Storytelling Association, SECA, MACA, WCA, and COAI. She
is in the Big Book of Clowns, compiled by Steve Kissell. She is the owner of Everyday's A Holiday, a full service clowning supply
company, located in Delaware. This company carries a full line of items from clown wigs, clown make-up, clown gloves,
clown socks, face paints, costumes, and more. Carol designs and sews all costumes, which are USA made items,
by a woman owned business. She is a seamstress with over 60 years of sewing knowledge. Carol has a list
of conventions, workshop, alleys, that she has aided in the education of clowning for the past 38 years. Carol has been
a vendor most conventions in the clown world for over 20 years. Everyday's A Holiday is the answer for your clowning
supplies, learn from a FULL TIME working clown, she understands your needs. Carol's real job is clowning, the true Art
of Clowning.
